Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Feedlots of the USA

A feedlot or feedyard is a type of Confined Animal Feeding Operation which is used for finishing livestock, notably beef cattle, prior to slaughter. They may contain thousands of animals in an array of pens. In the picture below the size of a big feedlot in the USA can be seen:

The feedlot, developed post World War II in the United States due to the rise of fast food operations, enables the cattle to gain weight faster through grain feeding and protein supplements, in order that the cattle may reach mature slaughter weight at a much faster rate than traditional grazing methods, while taking up less area than required in traditional grazing methods. The feedlot system, however, displaces cattle from a species-appropriate environment into a confined area where feeding takes place through mechanized trough-like systems. The feedlot also relies on a grain-fed method to fatten the cattle, disregarding the cattle's ruminary nature:

While feedlot systems provide inexpensive and readily available meats to supply the world's high beef demand, pasture-fed beef becomes a more sustainable system for the environment. The feedlot system allows all of the beef supplied from a feedlot to become homogenized due to the similar nature of the grains that the cattle are fed, instead of allowing the cattle to retain the flavors of the vernacular grass species found in the cattle's original location, as is the case with traditional farming methods given by pasture-fed cattle. The current feedlot market is controlled by four main corporations, including Cactus Feeders and ConAgra.

The biggest feedlots:
Most of the feedlots in the USA are situated in California, Colorado, Texas, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, and South Dekota. These feedlots can have more then 100.000 cows in it. For example this one in Grand View in Idaho which is the biggest in the USA, and therefore also in the world. Because there is no country in the world which uses this kind of huge feedlots. Another huge one is situated in California near Coalinga. This is supposed to be the second biggest feedlot in the USA. Other big feedlots can be found around the town of Greeley in Colorado. This town is known for its terrible smell that comes from the feedlots which surround this city. The biggest near Greeley is this one, and here is another big one near Greeley. And last but not least; this one in Nebraska is also among the biggest in the country.

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One thing is they give them growth hormones and stuff like that.
AND since grain isn't their normal diet they have to give them antibiotics wich we then eat!!
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
True - grain is not the normal diet of cattle. However, the microbes in the gut can adjust to the new diet. Antibiotics are NOT fed because grain is being used. Antibiotics given if the cow is assumed to have a bacterial infection. Giving antibitic because grain is given makes not sense on a medical level (because it would have zero effect) and it is not worthwhile to the producer to pay for antibiotics that won't do anything.
the out right lies, histeria, and libelous nature of this story is a good example of the pure unmitigated evil of the eugenics anti human movement.
The USA has one of the highest standards of living in the world, because of progressive science based agriculture of which cattle feedlots are a very important part. Cattle feedlotting is very hard work, but it is rewarding for those who care so deeply for the animals in their care. It is an absolute shame they have to live under the constant attack of worthless pieces of human debris like the moron that wrote the above article.
Matt, you really have no clue what goes on do you? Are you aware that the average life span of cattle is 28 - 30 years? They fatten and kill cattle by age seven because they if they continue on eating corn they'll die within the same age span. Corn yields acid based illnesses in cattle.

Also as a fun fact, saturated fat is higher in corn fed cattle than pasture raised. 9 grams to 1.3 grams in fact.

BOTTOM LINE: Feedlots are awful for the cattle and us. You're eating what they eat. You're eating their suffering. You're eating corn.
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
DId you also know that the juicy steak you enjoy comes from these same feedlots that you are talking shit about and there is no use in have a 28-30 year old cow anyways because by that time the meat is no good the cow cant produce a calf and by that time every time they try having a calf they prolapse. Do YOU seriously have any idea what it is like to sew up a prolapse?!?! That is also the point of a steer so they can be fattened up and eaten. So that you can have the steak on your plate or the hamburger you just ate. And the living condition of cows on a feedlot every day is not them swimming in manure all the manure is bulldozed away so that it can be used in corn fields or wheat fields that can be used also the bread that you eat at subway on a sandwhich. Feedlots, Farms, and Ranches feed The United States not the 25 yr old cows that cant even reproduce that would kill the population so you couldnt eat ur steak. Know your shit before you talk crap about other peoples life styles
Oh, and as far as the USA standards go. Check out how many government officials and EPA officials are paid off by the food industry to keep the secrets of exactly what it is you're eating.

Also, you may want to read into ChemTrails if you really think our government cares. Fun fact: They're spreading carcinogens hoping you die of cancer because we've become much too over-populated as a species.
@ david
Hey asshole, antibiotics arent given to animals because of their diet you dumb son of a bitch. Antibiotics are to keep them healthy and from dying. You apparently have no idea what you are talking about and as the son of a veterinarian and a proud breeding operator, I see it as important for me to correct your moronic attempt at slinging mud on the kind of operation that keeps this nation running. You piece of shit!!!!!
@ Anyone who reads this blog:

This article and the comments herein represent a severe lack of knowledge concerning both our domestic and international food production systems. Many people have seen Food Inc. or read Omnivore's Dilemma, in which the random concepts addressed in the comments above are addressed. The opinions of the above commenters represent the superficial, misguided, and uneducated knowledge each of them holds about agricultural systems. Ask any farmer of any kind practicing any type of ag. and they will tell you how much pure knowledge it takes. Ignorant claims of fat content, work intensity, anti-biotics, etc. are meaningless out of context. For example, Amanda, are you aware that non-organic CAFOs in many cases provide animals with a better livelihood than their organic counterparts? Did you know that grazing on open pasture with out proper management techniques (which is extremely intensive work both physically and mentally) will lead to soil erosion and nutrient runoff, a significant economic burden to society?

The bottom line is you need to stop taking agenda documentaries so seriously and actually learn something about what you preach. Otherwise, do not criticize one another because you all have good ideas and motives and are all correct and incorrect in different ways, and the solution to our broken system is reliant on the merger of those correct ideas you do you have.
2 replies · active 577 weeks ago
@Joe and Austin:
Hey guys, i actually was assigned Omnivore's dilemma for an english class i am taking. I now have to write a research paper about a concept in the book. I initially wanted to write it on the deplorable conditions in the feedlots. I took my research seriously, unfortunately, because i have caused more work for myself. Initially i came across a ton of people ranting that cows are swimming manure and stuffed full of corn and antibiotics in feedlots, then i came across an article by a vegan blogger who visited a feedlot. He wanted to see for himself what the conditions are, and he actually had good things to say about the conditions... he still wont eat meat... but he liked the conditions. Now i am seeing through the manure that most of these people have been throwing to try and hide the fact that they have no idea what they are talking about. Point being i have now changed my topic and want to write my paper on how feedlots REALLY are... unfortunately i am having trouble sifting through the shit and finding real data on these feedlots... if either of you, or anyone else can give me some good places to look i would greatly appreciate it.
R. S. Britton's avatar

R. S. Britton · 577 weeks ago

Thanks Jeff for being objective. The vollume of misinformation on line is alarming.
Seriously guys, this isn't rocket science. God made cows to eat a certain way, and man and his greed, as we usually do, screwed it up. The health benefits alone of grass-fed beef vs grain fed beef ought to be enough for anyone to be able to determine which beef you should be eating. I don't care how clean some people may say a CAFO is, that is not the point. The point is, that these cows in a feed lot are put their to gain weight quickly...and the antibiotics are used to help them gain the weight quicker. And we wonder why we even though we are one of the richest countries in the world, the US doesn't even make the top 10 when it comes to the healthiest. Pretty simple if you ask me. Eat Beef and lots of it, but make sure it is grass-fed, not grain fed.
corn is a grass, its the same forage family.
rasclart animals dont need drugs!!!
Cattle marketing during April were unchanged to up 1 percent from 1.871 million a year earlier, according to analysts, just saw the facts here.
Feeding them is quite hard though there’s a truck that delivers their food three times a day. Cattle feedlots really smells. However, studies showed that they can help reduce methane gas.
From South Africa's avatar

From South Africa · 544 weeks ago

i agree with everyone that knows what they are talking about, (feedlots) those animals get treated real well so if you don't know or don't like it eat veggies you don't stand there all day feeding them if they hungry they eat like anybody so seriously ppl running there mouths about feedlots don't know what they talking about and of course its gonna smell there are thousands of animals taking a shit every time they stand up
1 reply · active 504 weeks ago
Farmer's Daughter's avatar

Farmer's Daughter · 504 weeks ago

Kudos to all the guys and gals whom have the knowledge and courage to work at feedlots worldwide! If it weren't for you we wouldn't have the privilege to enjoy superb meat! Last but no least, to the cocky, ignorant people: “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
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fertilizer is the main source of farming, everyone who is doing farming have to get knowledge about plant nutrient, fertilizer specification and terminology
above article is great
thanks for sharing this knowledgable article!!!!
keep it up!!!
It is a fact that, only modern livestock can provide food proactively and fully according to the needs of people today and the United States is one of the leaders in this field.

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