Thunder Bay's grain terminals
Thunder bay's grain terminals:
Thunder Bay in Ontario Canada once held claim to the largest grain-handling port in the world. Today Thunder Bay still remains one of the world's largest grain-handling facilities . The port ships between 8 and 10 million tonnes annually, with the use of 9 giant terminal elevators capable of cleaning and storing 1.4 million tonnes of grain. These 9 giant terminals can be seen in the areal view below:
The city skyline is dominated by these 70 meters high structures like you can see in the picture below:
The biggest grain dock in the port and probably also in the world is the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool's Terminal 7 grain dock. Comprised of two separate buildings Terminal 7 has a capacity of 362,600 tonnes of grain:
You can see the huge size of this grain dock above( 550 m long, and almost 70 meters high ) , when you compare it to the freight ship. Further north, and south at this grain terminal 7, there are other big grain terminals. For example this one at the northern part of the city: